Rev. Dr. Hannah Ka
Pastor of Discipleship
Office: 619-297-4366 ext. 130
Through all the formative and transformative years of my life, I’ve experienced God’s creating, re-creating, and redeeming grace. I humbly confess that God is the sustaining and sanctifying power in my life beyond my willpower and capacity. The road to Christian wholeness is long and challenging. And, I know that God is calling us all towards perfect love. God is continually inspiring me with radical hope because God’s grace is all around. We, who are in process together, walk with others in our faith community believing in “the communion of saints” and trusting that God can and will do way more than we dare to ask, or even imagine. As I journey with my siblings in Christ—the One who is God among us—our goal is to strive together and help each other towards wholeness in God.