Rev. Brittany Juliette Hanlin
Pastor of Connection and Care
Office: 619-297-4366 ext. 120
Rev. Brittany Juliette Hanlin was born in East Orange, New Jersey and named after her maternal grandmother, Juliette Archie. She moved to Charlotte, North Carolina at age 11. She graduated from Howard University in Washington, DC with a major in Sociology and a minor in Community Development. Upon graduating, Brittany became an AmeriCorps Volunteer, serving as Youth Care Worker for girls between the ages of 11-14 at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago.
She earned her Master of Divinity from Vanderbilt Divinity School in 2016 and then moved to Des Moines, Iowa for a Pastoral Residency program called Transition into Ministry at Plymouth Congregational Church. Brittany is proud to be the first African American ordained in the Iowa Conference of the United Church of Christ. In 2018, Brittany answered the call to serve as an Associate Minister at Marble Collegiate Church in New York City and eventually became the Director of the Children, Youth, and Family Ministry. She received her Master of Social Work from Louisiana State University in 2022, after interning as a mental health counselor at the Blanton Peale Institute in New York City. Rev. Brittany is working on her Doctor of Ministry at Emory University.
She is very passionate about providing authentic and effective pastoral care across all generations as the Pastor of Connection and Care at First United Methodist Church of San Diego.