To educate the whole child...

During the first five years of life, a person forms a basic pattern of life skills.

  • We provide a high-quality program that fosters each child's development during these important years.
  • The development of the “whole child” is essential.
  • Our educational program emphasizes physical, emotional, social, cognitive and spiritual growth, which is planned and implemented by our quality staff.

We believe in the importance of an educationally–developed environment to facilitate a child’s ability to investigate, explore, and experiment. Play is the medium through which learning takes place.

TEAM—Together Everyone Achieves More!

In working together with each family, we help to meet every child’s needs and to further their understanding of the learning process. We work closely with parents to help children learn more easily and to reinforce concepts, social skills, creative expression, and feelings of self-worth. We help parents appreciate the value of play.

Since we work closely with families, we rely on and appreciate parental time, talent, and volunteer commitment for school/classroom events and fundraising efforts.

For more information

Please contact our office Monday—Friday between 7am-6pm for further questions about our program.

Denise Vick
Phone: 619-295-1915
