CGC believes in fostering the development growth of the "whole child" including spiritual growth.

CGC started as an extension of First United Methodist Church in Mission Valley. Weekly Chapel Time and a prayer before meals are a part of our program. Students and their siblings are also invited to join us for our Vacation Bible School each summer.

Chapel Time

Beginning in Yellow & Orange Team, children attend a 20 minute Chapel Time every Wednesday morning (September - June) on Linder Patio. Throughout the entire school year, we have a theme that carries us through each chapel. Your child will hear a brief bible story, sing some silly songs, say a prayer, and leave with a smile. We have families from all religions at CGC so all stories have a moral lesson, which is beneficial for all. The teachers bridge this moral lesson into the classroom, such as being kind, loving, honest, helpful, etc.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School or "VBS" is hosted by FUMCSD each summer. All the CGC children who are age 4 and older are invited to enroll in the program. Vacation Bible School includes a t-shirt and snacks. During each VBS session, your child will learn the daily theme which is woven into the Bible story, crafts, games, singing, and snack time.