New Beginnings Membership Class (10/6/24)
Adult Spiritual Growth Classes New Member Class
New Beginnings is the class for people interested in becoming a member and learning more about First Church and Methodism. Participants will get to know each other and meet the pastoral team, staff and leaders of the church.
RSVP here by 10/2
We will meet in Linder Lounge, Mission Valley Campus, from 12:15 - 2 PM. Lunch will be provided and we offer free Childcare.
If you are new to Methodism or would like to know more about First Church, please view the online resources listed below, prior to this one time, 1.5-hour session. During which the presenters will highlight a few key points, followed by Q & A.
- Wesleyan History, United Methodist Theology & Discipleship
- United Methodist Connection
- First Church’s Vision & Ministry Opportunities
- Membership Next Steps and Vows