SDSCS: The Devastating Effects of Climate Change On Your Life And What You Can Do About It

Lecture SDSCS

Cherry Robinson, Psy. D.
The Climate Reality Project San Diego Chapter Chair

Online & In Person: Saturday, Sept. 21, 9:30 AM – 12 PM
Lecture followed by light lunch and conversation with other attendees.


About the Topic

We have come to a time where the effects of human-made global warming pollution on our home and climate cannot be denied. The science is clear and the effects devastating. If we would like to continue to live on this planet, we must change our behavior. Come along and learn where we are, where we could be, and how to get there.

About the Speaker

Dr. Cherry Robinson

Dr. Robinson is a consultant, coach, and trainer who has spent her professional life guiding educators, parents, and youth into creating better lives for themselves and those around them, instilling care for the Earth into everything shes been doing for the last 30 years. This has meant living kinder and healthier lives starting with us, and by helping people to understand how their behavior affects the world around them.

She understands what people can and cannot hear, and how that affects what they will and will not do. She brings to the Climate Reality Project the ability to teach to the heart of folks so that changing their behavior is a work of love for themselves and the planet around them. Her focus is on creating communities that care and educating those communities in ways that will improve the quality of life on our planet.

San Diego School of CHristian Studies Fall 2024 / Spring 2025

This lecture is part of the current exciting lecture series: Loving God's Environmental Creations.

Are we loving Gods creation? Earth is our one and only home – our Eden – and weve been called by God to be its caretakers. Damage has been done by each generation but there IS hope! Join us as we explore where were at and what we can do to ensure this gift of Eden is passed to generations to come.

To view the full event line up, please visit the SDSCS webpage.

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