SDSCS: Nature As Neighbor: Expanding Our Sense of Sacred Community

Lecture SDSCS

Professor Peter Bolland

Online & In Person: Saturday, Oct. 26, 9:30 AM – 12 PM
Lecture followed by light lunch and conversation with other attendees.


About the Topic

If the core Christian message is radical care for all who suffer, and not merely personal salvation, then what happens when we expand the meaning of “neighbor” to include all creation – the plants and animals, and biosphere that supports them? In the face of our current climate crisis, we are challenged more urgently than ever – do our religious ideologies draw our attention to the hereafter, or to the here and now? How might Christianity contribute to the crucial work of natural restoration? What good is caring for others if we do not also care for the world that sustains all of our lives?

About the Speaker

Professor Peter Bolland

Professor Peter Bolland is the Philosophy and Humanities Department Chair at Southwestern College where he teaches world religions, Asian philosophy, world mythology, and ethics. A columnist for Unity Magazine and author of The Seven Stone Path: An Everyday Journey to Wisdom, Professor Boland is a frequent speaker and workshop facilitator at a wide variety of churches (including FUMCSD), spiritual centers, and learning centers like San Diego Oasis, The Osher Institute of Life Long Learning at SDSU, the Chopra Center, the San Diego Vedanta Monastery, and more. For more, visit

San Diego School of CHristian Studies Fall 2024 / Spring 2025

This lecture is part of the current exciting lecture series: Loving God's Environmental Creations.

Are we loving Gods creation? Earth is our one and only home – our Eden – and weve been called by God to be its caretakers. Damage has been done by each generation but there IS hope! Join us as we explore where were at and what we can do to ensure this gift of Eden is passed to generations to come.

To view the full event line up, please visit the SDSCS webpage.

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