Good Friday Service 2025: April 18

Worship Sanctuary Special Event


7:30 PM | A Service of Tenebrae | Sanctuary & Livestream

Continue hearing the story of Jesus’ passion on Good Friday through this special service of Tenebrae (darkness). Through scripture, music, silence, and contemplation, we will remember the One who gave his life for us.

Celebrate Lent, Holy Week, and Easter at First Church San Diego in Mission Valley

Additional Opportunities

The 40 days prior to Easter Sunday is known as Lent – a time of self-reflection that traditional has required us to abstain from certain activities while taking on others. But this season of Lent, First United Methodist Church of San Diego is inviting you to use the time to do something a little different by considering your story of faith, a story that you write every moment of every day. Is it the story you want to write? Join us in this journey of exploration throughout March and April. 

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