How are Covenant Circle gifts used by the Church?

All gifts are used in accordance with any donor designations to the greatest extent possible. Examples of previous designations include:

  • Unrestricted gifts for areas of greatest need
  • Scholarships for New Life Counseling center clients
  • Racial Justice Endowment
  • Maintenance and renovation of church facilities
  • Music ministries
  • Global missions
  • New pilot programs & ministries 
  • Unexpected expenditures outside the annual operating budget
Is there a minimum gift to join the Covenant Circle?

No gift is too small! Gifts to the Covenant Circle range anywhere from several hundred dollars to several million dollars (and everywhere in between). Givers often make a smaller allocation to the Church while passing their remaining assets on to their family.

How can I contribute to and join the Covenant Circle?

Here are some ways you can become a member of Covenant Circle:

  • Create a bequest to the Church in your will or trust.
  • Designate FUMCSD as an insurance or retirement beneficiary.
  • Give a gift of unencumbered property or securities.
  • Create a charitable remainder trust (CRT) that provides some income back to the donor over a specified term after which remaining funds are distributed to the Church or Foundation.
What are the benefits of joining the Covenant Circle?

First and foremost, the gift creates a legacy that brings families peace and pride knowing the generosity and love for our Church will endure beyond their earthly lives.

Additionally, Covenant Circle members gather twice a year to honor the faithful stewards who entered life eternal and to welcome new members.

The Covenant Circle also provides a range of educational opportunities to church members throughout the year on a variety of topic regarding aging, finance, retirement, and more. 

And, of course, through prayerful planning, your Covenant Circle membership follows the long tradition of praising God and sharing blessings with future generations.