Cherokee Point Outreach

    08.01.16 | Volunteer, Community, Youth | by Rev. Dr. Hannah Ka

    FUMCSD supports our friends at Cherokee Point Elementary School in several ways:

    Everyone a Reader Volunteer

    Help kids with their reading skills. One hour a week can make a big difference in their education! Volunteers from First Church visit the Cherokee Point campus during the school day to meet with young students individually for 40-45 minutes. If you are called to help those students, please sign up to help! There is a free, two-hour orientation session on September 26 from 8-10 AM.

    Volunteer to Tutor

    Help At A Cherokee Point Event

    Cherokee Point is looking for community volunteers to help at fun events throughout the year. Sign up to help at one or many – it's a fun way to connect with families in the community!

    Event Schedule

    Additional Volunteer Opportunities

    First Church also partners with Cherokee Point to kick off the school year. We do this with a backpack and school supply drive and with a back-to-school BBQ! Be sure to check back in the summer months for details. Or, contact Rev. Hannah to get added to an interest list. 

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