Church as Network --- All-church Study
01.19.23 | News
Are you ready to take the next step to discover what God is doing in our world?
Thursdays Feb. 9 - March 2
Via Zoom: 3 - 4 PM | RSVP by 2/1
In person: 5:30 - 6:30 PM | Linder Lounge | RSVP by 2/1
Rev. Trudy invites you to be a part of a book study that takes a deep look at the church’s history, this cultural era, and the opportunities that are afforded the Church. The book is entitled "Church As Network: Christian life and connection in the digital culture" by Jeffrey Mahan. We will read it together, pausing for discussion every two chapters, for four weeks, beginning Feb. 9 through Mar. 2.
Two times and two different modes of meeting are being offered: via Zoom on Thursday afternoons: 3 - 4 PM and in person Thursday evenings: 5:30 - 6:30 PM. And if the interest warrants, other times might be added. The book is available online as hardcopy or Kindle. A few copies will also be available for purchase at church. We are looking forward to the conversation. Click buttons below to RSVP by February 1