First Church San Diego Reunion: 60 Years In Mission Valley
11.24.24 | Articles, News
We celebrated 60 years of worship in Mission Valley with a very special church reunion on Sunday, November 24, 2024!
It was a beautiful day in the sanctuary, gathering with people near and far, in person and online, to honor the stories and worship styles of our past, our progress and programs of our present, and our hopes and dreams for the future.
Following service, we enjoyed fellowship with a special catered luncheon and program in Linder Hall, where we shared memories and pictures from members past and present.
If you missed the service or would like to watch it again, you can access the full recorded livestream on our YouTube channel. We've also provided some of the clips directly below.
Thank you to everyone who joined us and for all of those who worked hard to make this special occasion happen. It was a beautiful day of celebration and we look forward to many more joyous days ahead!
Pastors Remarks: Voices from the Past, Voices of Today, and Living Our Faith for the Future
Hear the inspirational messages provided by our pastors of the past and present: Revs. Mark Trotter, Craig Dorval, Dr. Hannah Ka, Brittany Juliette Hanlin, and Trudy D. Robinson.
Our History in This Place
Prepared and written by church historian Jim Jackson and read by Bruce Johnson, FUMCSD member since 1949.