Lunar New Year Celebration
12.26.23 | News
Cultural Events Music Series Presents a Lunar New Year Celebration & Organ Concert
Saturday, February 10, 2024
2-5:30 PM in Linder Hall & Sanctuary | Livestream 4-5:30 PM | Free Childcare
Join us at First Church of San Diego in Mission Valley to celebrate the Lunar New Year!
We’ll start with shareable food and Asian-themed games in Linder Hall. On the menu: Vietnamese spring rolls! Please sign up to bring shareable ingredients; rice wrap and dressings will be provided.
At 4 PM, we’ll move to the Sanctuary where our own Korean-native organist, Dr. Jaebon Hwang, will play a Lunar New Year-themed program. If you're joining from home, you can watch the concert online.
Music written by Asian composers and influenced by Asian folk music will be thematically paired with Western music, and the concert is bookended by Johann Strauss I and II’s beloved music frequently played on New Year’s Day throughout Europe and America. The program also includes music by San Diego’s own local composer, Texu Kim, and renowned San Diego-born concert organist and composer, Chelsea Chen.
While we always have enthusiastic audiences for these concerts, the free-will offerings, ticket sales, and donations at the door simply do not cover the actual expenses of underwriting these excellent performances. Since we are dedicated to producing only high-quality and inspirational events, your donations truly make that possible.
Thank you for your continued support; we look forward to seeing you at the Music Series concerts this season and for many years to come!
First United Methodist Church of San Diego
Cultural Events Committee
Betsy Mueller, chair, Janine Burch, Demmie Divine,
Katie Englund, Nick Hubsmith, Jaebon Hwang, Brian Lustig, Suzanne Stofer, Nathan Stowe,
Ralph Thomas, Spencer Velky, Steve Zawadzki
donate here to Become a patron of the 2023-24 Music Series