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Perspectives Podcast Season 1, Episode 11: The Anger Within Us, Making a Statement

Mar 20, 2024

Perspectives Podcast Season 1, Episode 11: The Anger Within Us, Making a Statement

Passage: Mark 11:1-10

Series: Perspectives Pastors Podcast

Category: Pastor's Bible Study, Perspectives Podcast


Join the women clergy of First Church of San Diego as they talk theology, scripture, and life through the Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast. They’ve been examining where anger comes from, how we can manage it, and how Jesus encountered anger during the last week of his life. In this episode, Rev. Brittany and Rev. Hannah wrap up the series The Anger Within Us by examining the statement Jesus made during his triumphal entry into Jerusalem (commonly celebrated as Palm Sunday within the Christian church).


Join the women clergy of First Church of San Diego as they talk theology, scripture, and life through the Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast. They’ve been examining where anger comes from, how we can manage it, and how Jesus encountered anger during the last week of his life.

In this episode, Rev. Brittany and Rev. Hannah wrap up the series The Anger Within Us by examining the statement Jesus made during his triumphal entry into Jerusalem (commonly celebrated as Palm Sunday within the Christian church).

They discuss how this event was a countercultural and social statement juxtaposed against the wealth and opulence displayed through Pontius Pilate’s imperial procession into the city from the west.

It brings into question whether Palm Sunday should be a purely religious celebration or if we’re called to make it something more to usher in the Kingdom of God, here and now. And what effect may that have on others?

As we head into Holy Week, there will be no Convergence discussion group this coming week. But we invite you to discuss with your friends and family the following questions:

  1. When was there a time in your life when you had to make a statement?
  2. When did you make a statement about something you really believed in, in the world?
  3. What impact did that have on you and whoever you were making the statement about?


What’s next for Perspectives? We’ll be kicking off a new topic series – “Becoming” – the week of April 8.

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