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Perspectives Podcast Season 1, Episode 15: Becoming Better Humans – Helping

Apr 29, 2024

Perspectives Podcast Season 1, Episode 15: Becoming Better Humans – Helping

Passage: Acts 3:1-11

Series: Perspectives Pastors Podcast

Category: Pastor's Bible Study, Perspectives Podcast


In this episode of Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast, Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany talk about miracles, helping, and the power of truly being seen by those around us – looking back at miracle stories of the Bible and asking: Do miracles exist today? How can we help others with the healing they need?


In this episode of Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast, Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany talk about miracles, helping, and the power of truly being seen by those around us – looking back at miracle stories of the Bible and asking: Do miracles exist today? How can we help others with the healing they need?

They delve into:

  • How to interpret the miracles of Jesus and the apostles.
  • Some of the dangers of misinterpreting miracle stories, including ableism.
  • Modern day miracles and the role we can play in making them happen.

It’s all part of “Becoming Better Humans” – a multi-episode topic where the women clergy of the First Church of San Diego explore the story of the early church, looking at the days after the resurrection of Jesus to see how the courage and perseverance of the apostles may help us all live better today.

Want to join the discussion? We invite you to our weekly discussion group, Convergence. Taking place on our church campus in the Mission Valley neighborhood of San Diego or through Zoom. Get additional details online:

For this episode, we’ll be discussing the following questions:

  1. How comfortable are you in making eye contact with others?
  2. What stops you from helping and what moves you to help?
  3. What would miracle stories have us to believe about different abilities and people who are differently abled?

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