Perspectives Podcast Season 1, Episode 22: Divine Gifts – Growth
Jun 17, 2024

In this episode of Perspectives, Rev. Trudy and Rev. Hannah delve into the gift of growth, asking how much of our growth is based on personal action versus Divine intervention. It’s all part of this multi-episode topic of Divine Gifts.
In this episode of Perspectives, Rev. Trudy and Rev. Hannah delve into the gift of growth, asking how much of our growth is based on personal action versus Divine intervention. It’s all part of this multi-episode topic of Divine Gifts.
They begin by looking at two parables taught by Jesus – a method He regularly used to gently invite people to contemplate, ponder, and grow.
On the surface, these parables seem straight forward but when you dig deeper, more and more is revealed. Especially when it comes to how much growth we can personally control.
Is personal, spiritual growth, or the growth of the Kingdom of God something that truly just happens? Or is work required? If growth naturally happens, is there anything we’re truly called to do as Christians? Hit play to hear what Rev. Trudy and Rev. Hannah think.
Our weekly Bible Study discussion group, Convergence, is currently taking a break for Summer. But we invite you to ponder and discuss the following questions with your friends and family:
- When was a time when you experienced great spiritual growth? What prompted that growth?
- How easy is it for you to think about this act of change or growth as a gift of God, something that all we need to do is look for it and receive it, much like grace or forgiveness?