Perspectives Podcast Season 1, Episode 23: Divine Gifts – Churning
Jun 24, 2024

In this episode of Perspectives, Rev. Brittany and Rev. Hannah continue the talk about Divine Gifts. Today’s gift? Churning.
In this episode of Perspectives, Rev. Brittany and Rev. Hannah continue the talk about Divine Gifts. Today’s gift? Churning.
Most people wouldn’t consider churning as a gift. But if you stick with it and work through the inner turmoil, you might be surprised by what’s waiting on the other side, much like the disciples who were being churned into apostles throughout the stories of the gospel.
If you’re currently facing a storm, this episode is for you – it’s full of encouragement and wisdom to help you get through to the other side by embracing God’s vision and confidence.
Our weekly Bible Study discussion group, Convergence, is currently taking a break for Summer. But we invite you to ponder and discuss the following questions with your friends and family:
- What are you afraid of?
- Have you ever felt like you were drowning and God didn’t care?
- How has your faith been tested in the storms of your life?