Perspectives Podcast Season 1, Episode 31: The World Calls, We Travel – Foreign Lands

Aug 19, 2024

Perspectives Podcast Season 1, Episode 31: The World Calls, We Travel – Foreign Lands

Passage: Genesis 12:1-6

Series: Perspectives Pastors Podcast

Category: Pastor's Bible Study, Perspectives Podcast


Join Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany as they kick off a new 3-episode topic for Perspectives Pastors Podcast – The World Calls. We Travel. – exploring the way that travel takes us to new places and changes us. They start with the story of Abram and Sarai embarking on a journey of faith after being called to travel 600 miles to settle somewhere new (Genesis 12:1-6). It’s a trip that humbles, and grows, and changes you into a new person.


Join Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany as they kick off a new 3-episode topic for Perspectives Pastors Podcast – The World Calls. We Travel. – exploring the way that travel takes us to new places and changes us.

They start with the story of Abram and Sarai embarking on a journey of faith after being called to travel 600 miles to settle somewhere new (Genesis 12:1-6). It’s a trip that humbles, and grows, and changes you into a new person. Much like the Sankofa Pilgrimage, a travel and learning experience led by First Church San Diego to help uncover the dynamics of racism throughout US history, and today.

Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany share the origin and mission of the Sankofa Pilgrimage and provide a look back on the 2023 journey, discussing the sites visited and how the route was chosen.

If you’d like to go deeper with this topic, we invite you to ponder the following questions:

  1. Where is God calling you to go but you don’t really want to go?
  2. Where have you been that has changed you?
  3. How are you learning about racism?

And be sure to catch the next two episodes to learn about the journey the pilgrims took for the 2024 Sankofa trip.

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