Perspectives Podcast, Season 2, Episode 20: Imago Dei – Differently Abled
Feb 09, 2025

Rev. Trudy joins Rev. Hannah for this week’s conversation on Perspectives Pastors Podcast. With the conversation, the two clergywomen examine Imago Dei through the concept of being differently abled, celebrating our diverse abilities and gifts and how that can contribute to the good of all humanity.
Rev. Trudy joins Rev. Hannah for this week’s conversation on Perspectives Pastors Podcast. With the conversation, the two clergywomen examine Imago Dei through the concept of being differently abled, celebrating our diverse abilities and gifts and how that can contribute to the good of all humanity.
The digital Bible study is inspired by a very familiar passage – 1 Corinthians 12:14-26 – where the apostle Paul highlights the importance of every person’s abilities … even those that we may inherently view as weaker or lesser.
While this letter from Paul was to one of the earliest Christian communities, the body metaphor that highlights the oneness of our differences is still highly relevant today, especially when juxtaposed against the Western ideal of individualism.
The female pastors wrap up the episode by inviting everyone to consider the below questions. We encourage you to head over to our Patreon channel to discuss these questions with others or to join our in-person Convergence group.
- What part of your body don’t you like and could use more love from you?
- What part of the body of Christ don’t you like and how could you celebrate it anyway?
- What are you uniquely gifted with and how does it contribute to the health of the whole?
- How do you see the body of humanity, in all its differences, contributing to the health of the world?
What is Patreon?
Our online community has started to grow, so we’ve launched a Patreon channel! Located at, it’s a place where you can discuss the ideas from each episode, access some additional resources, and help support our digital ministry. When you become a free member, you’ll unlock the ability to discuss answers posed in each week’s podcast episode. There is also an option to unlock some extras by becoming a paid supporter at $5 or $10 per month.