Perspectives Podcast Season 2, Episode 3: Our Money Story – Reimagine
Sep 22, 2024

In this episode of Perspectives Pastors Podcast, Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany continue talking about Our Money Story – examining how to bring God into our money habits and attitudes, that we may live more fully and with less worry. The two clergy women are focusing on Matthew 19:16-22, when Jesus observes how people give money in the temple – highlighting the great sacrifice given by a poor widow who gave everything she had, which was proportionately so much more than anyone else present.
In this episode of Perspectives Pastors Podcast, Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany continue talking about Our Money Story – examining how to bring God into our money habits and attitudes, that we may live more fully and with less worry.
The two clergy women are focusing on Matthew 19:16-22, when Jesus observes how people give money in the temple – highlighting the great sacrifice given by a poor widow who gave everything she had, which was proportionately so much more than anyone else present.
We often interpret this Scripture through a single lens. But Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittnay question if Jesus was trying to bring more to light, reimagining our entire attitudes around:
- Why and how we give to the Church
- The importance of boundaries – even when (or especially when) it comes to giving
- How we take care of the vulnerable people in our community
- Bringing spirituality back to our act of giving
It’s a lot to consider! If you’d like to explore this topic even deeper, we invite you to join an Our Money Story discussion group. We have groups meeting in person in the Mission Valley neighborhood of San Diego, as well as online.
We also invite you to consider the following questions:
- Why do you give?
- What do you think Jesus observes as you give?
- What does giving do for you?
- Has your giving changed you, like it did the widow, from hopeless to hopeful?