Perspectives Podcast Season 2, Episode 7: Everyday Saints – Perpetua and Felicity
Oct 20, 2024

Join Rev. Brittany and Rev. Hannah as they continue the Perspectives Pastors Podcast multi-episode series on Everyday Saints. This week, they’re focusing on the unknown martyrs, Perpetua and Felicity – two newly converted Christian mothers who were martyred together in northern Africa in the early 200s. One was a slave, the other had social standing. But both braved the sentenced death instead of renouncing their Christian convictions.
Join Rev. Brittany and Rev. Hannah as they continue the Perspectives Pastors Podcast multi-episode series on Everyday Saints. This week, they’re focusing on the unknown martyrs, Perpetua and Felicity – two newly converted Christian mothers who were martyred together in northern Africa in the early 200s. One was a slave, the other had social standing. But both braved the sentenced death instead of renouncing their Christian convictions.
The two pastors tie this heroic story back to Romans 12:1-2, where Paul urges the early Christians of Rome to present themselves “as a living sacrifice that’s holy and pleasing to God.” But they warn that the definition of “holy” and “pleasing” may be different than is often applied by Christians today who demonstrate pious practices while ignoring what’s going on inside.
Listen as Rev. Brittany and Rev. Hannah discuss:
- Their interpretations of Paul’s words
- The value of not following those around you but instead turning to God
- The pain that comes with standing up for our beliefs
It’s a lot to consider. We invite you to connect with others through our weekly Convergence discussion groups, which meet in person, as you consider these questions:
- What are you willing to die for?
- What patterns of this world are you most influenced by?
- What do you do to renew your mind?
- What do you do to integrate your mind with your day-to-day practice of faith?