Join Us on a Journey of Spiritual Storytelling

Our connection with the Divine is a gift for us to cherish and share with those around us. But that’s not always easy for us to do. When it comes to weighty emotions and powerful experiences, it can be difficult to find the right words to express ourselves. And that is certainly true when it comes to our faith story. That’s why we’ve developed Finding Your Stories of Faith to help you uncover new ways to connect with your spirituality while developing confidence to share your faith with those around you.

Each week includes a scripture to meditate on, a theme to connect to, and prompts to allow you to explore different forms of expression. The chosen scriptures contain stories that uncover the ways that people of the past found redeeming grace that led to undeniable change. Our hope is that you discover within these stories that same redeeming grace. 

As you fill these pages, we hope that you will claim your spiritual life – where you’ve been, where you are, and where you hope to grow – so that your story might also be one of redeeming grace and undeniable change for the better: for you, your family, and friends, for the benefit of your community, and for the hope of the world.

~ Rev. Trudy D. Robinson

Download the Book

Share Your Spiritual Story

What makes the storytelling experience so powerful is the opportunity to share a piece of yourself with others so they, too, can stretch and grow! So, we encourage you to do just that with the words, thoughts, and artwork that come out of your time with Finding Your Stories of Faith.

Share your image, music, and words with your community on social media; set your post privacy to public and use the following hashtag so others can find it #fumcsdStory

And share it with our church family by using the links below!

1 | The Story of Proximity

Share Week 1 Prompts

2 | The Story of Advocates

Share Week 2 Prompts

3 | The Story of Cooperation

Share Week 3 Prompts

4 | The Story of Tranquility

Share Week 4 Prompts

5 | The Story of Love

Share Week 5 Prompts

6 | The Story of Forgiveness

Share Week 6 Prompts

Lent, Holy Week & Easter at First Church San Diego

Join First United Methodist Church of San Diego for a journey of exploration as we consider the stories that change us during this special season. Through Sunday worship, special services, and spiritual growth opportunities, we’ll lean into the idea that what Jesus did while he walked on the earth can save us, even now, and we seek to find ourselves in these stories.

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Continue The Exploration

Want to grow even more? We offer two opportunities to go even deeper each week, helping you explore your faith in person and virtually through reflection, deep learning, and discussion.

table with Bible, smartphone, and headphones

Perspectives Pastors Podcast


New episodes every Sunday! Our pastors talk about the theology and history surrounding our ancient texts, connecting the themes to life and faith in the modern world.

People sitting around table with bibles talking

Convergence Discussion Groups

Join a Group

Gather with others to discuss the themes covered through Tapestry and Perspectives to help shape the next stages in your spiritual journey.