Kenton Reaves Hundley
Executive Director, Dream School of the Arts
Thanks to the combined talent and expertise of Kenton Reaves Hundley and the values and passion of First Church, we’ve launched an exciting program to foster young people’s artistic, physical fitness, academic, and leadership potential.
We invite you to explore The Dream School of the Arts by visiting its website.
Join our vibrant and welcoming community!
Come explore your potential. We’re here to support your dreams! Visit our website to learn more.
Donate your time to help us maintain a safe inclusive and environment. Help with after-school nutrition, leadership, academics, and more.
DSOA is a 501(c)3 organization. We invite you to make a gift online. Contact to learn more about giving opportunities.
As an arts program, we’re always in need of supplies! Please consider donating one or two items from our Amazon Wishlist. Thank you!
Thank you for partnering with us on this dream. Here are some updates on the Dream School!
Hear from DSOA Director Kenton Reaves Hundley as he provides important program updates.
Exciting news from up the hill at Dream School of the Arts: We’re getting close to launching our first student cohort!
To help make it happen, we’ve hired Cindy Truong as the Student Experience Coordinator, and Kenton Hundley will be shifting more focus toward his role as Executive Director.
Exciting progress is being made! In late May, permits were received and approved at the city-level which clears the way for full construction to begin. The physical site saw the commencement of demo and light construction in early May, with final finishes for interior designs having been selected by our DSOA director and members of the design team.
A furniture invoice has been received, and the team eagerly awaits news on the grant application for appliances. DSOA now has its own website and domain name at dsoasd.org, with web design ideas already submitted; stay tuned for its launch!
Personnel decisions, daily schedule, programs, and curriculum design continue to take shape. Ongoing discussions with community partners, local artists, musicians, and running/fitness coaches are underway to discuss availability, scheduling, performance and event space(s), staffing, and collaborative partnerships have ramped up considerably.
Press inquiries or responses to grant applications can be directed to .
Be sure to visit dsoasd.org for additional contact information!