Prayers & Squares

The Prayer Quilt Ministry

Sponsor a Prayer Quilt

What is Prayers & Squares?

Prayers & Squares is an interfaith outreach ministry that combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. Individuals can sponsor a quilt for someone that has a special prayer need.

These quilts are made by members of our group. When it’s time to secure the layers together, our group uses heavy thread to connect the layers but we leave the ends left free. They’re then tied by the congregation following a worship service.

As each knot is tied, a silent prayer is said for the quilt recipient. This blankets our loved ones with prayers from the entire congregation.

Request a Prayer Quilt

Pocket Prayer Quilts

In addition to full-sized quilts, our group also offers pocket prayer quilts. They can be kept in a pocket or purse so they’re always close by.

These mini quilts include a wooden cross inside and come with the following message:

 “This pocket prayer quilt was made for you to slip in a pocket or purse. Whenever your fingers touch the cross inside, be mindful of God’s love and grace for you. Keep it as a tangible symbol of God’s peace, or say a prayer for someone else and pass it along in the form of this tiny gift.”

Request a Pocket Prayer Quilt

Example of a pocket prayer quilt

Join Prayers & Squares

We invite you to join us for work and fellowship!

We meet the 1st Saturday and 3rd Thursday of each month from 9 AM to 12 PM in Linder Hall 4. You don’t need to know how to sew!

Make Quilt Tops at Home

We make quilt tops at home and then bring them to our meetings to layer and prep for tying in worship. Here are some tips:

  • Use pre-laundered 100% cotton
  • Desired size is 50” x 60” quilt tops
  • Minimum size is 45” x 55” – only quilts for babies or small children can be smaller


We don’t accept payments for quilts and run outside of the church budget, so donations are always welcome!

Monetary donations can be made to the church; please include “Prayers & Squares” on your memo.

Quilt Retreats

We offer sewing workshops once or twice a year. We invite an instructor to demonstrate a specific quilt pattern. And we have door prizes!

Bring a friend and enjoy sewing, fellowship, and inspirational speakers!


Help us present Prayer Quilts during Sunday worship! We need volunteers to represent Prayers & Squares when the quilts are presented. Volunteers assist sponsors and congregants with the tying process.

Join Us in prayer

We pray over quilts on the Linder Patio after our 9 AM service. Whether or not you know the recipient, your prayer helps! Recipients say they’re strengthened by the fact that people who don’t know them are praying.

2025 Sit and Sew

woman using sewing machine

Saturday, March 1 | 9 AM - 4 PM

Join us for a day of sewing and fellowship! Bring your own sewing machine and supplies, project of choice, brown bag lunch, and something yummy to share!

Get Details & Register

Contact FUMCSD Prayers & Squares

Would you like more information about our ministry? Let us know and we’ll be in touch!

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