Racial Justice Ministry

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.  
John 13:34

Making A Difference In San Diego

The greatest commandment is to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. But given Christianity’s past and continued participation in racism over the centuries, we have not loved all of our neighbors. Not by a long shot.

However, we can seek repentance as we commit to a new way to be. For us, this Racial Justice Endowment is an important step in that direction. 

The tragic nature of racial injustice underscores the important work of local organizations, who have been serving our community for years, if not decades. It's our hope that others will join us by contributing to the endowment, which we created with St. Paul United Methodist Church to support efforts to dismantle systemic racism that unfairly limits opportunities for people of color throughout our region.

Rev. Trudy Robinson

Racial Justice At First Church San Diego

Here's the work we're doing in San Diego.

Racial Justice Grants

In 2020, the Racial Justice Endowment was established to share resources with organizations whose work directly benefits any or all Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) in San Diego County.

About The Grants

Sankofa Pilgrimage

Starting in 2023, we've led an annual extensive study and multi-day pilgrimage to help our community examine how our history informs our realities in the U.S. and to help us unpack our implicit biases. 

About Sankofa

Expand Your Racial Justice Knowledge

Explore these racial justice learnings from FUMCSD. 

"21 Days of Hope"

This 21-day journey brings together scripture, prayer, and resources to expand our understanding of racism in our country.

Start Devotional

"The Church And Racism"

Through this 5-episode audio Bible Study, explore the Church’s complicity in systematic racism through the history of America.

Listen To Podcast

"21 Days Of Hope"
Sermon Series

Witness conversations on race and faith with Rev. Trudy Robinson, Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter, and Dr. John Fanestil.

Watch Sermons

Book Resources

Take your learning further with these books, which we’ve explored as a church.

Join The Racial Justice Movement

Let us know if you’d like to be part of current and future racial justice efforts at First Church San Diego.

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