We’re an inclusive community that believes in radical love and divine justice for all of God’s people – all ages, races, orientations, genders, abilities, or religious beliefs. We invite people of all abilities to join us for worship, ministry, and events.

If you have any questions about accessibility at First United Methodist Church of San Diego or would like to let us know how we can best include you or a family member, please use contact information below!

Accessibility Services Offered

Automatic Doors

Automatic door openers are installed for our Sanctuary, Trotter Chapel, and Linder Hall for ease of entry.

Assistive Listening for Sanctuary Worship Services

Assistive listening is available through the Listen EVERYWHERE app in our Sanctuary. Please see card in pew pockets for instructions on how to connect. You will scan QR code to connect to appropriate WiFi channel and another QR code for Listen EVERYWHERE.


We have a multi-level campus. For ease of movement, we have an elevator available on the north side of our church office and sanctuary, in the plaza that is located next to P4.

Handicap Parking & Accesibility for Wheelchairs and Walkers

Our facilities are wheelchair- and walker-friendly. We have parking lots throughout our church campus with handicap spots available. For easiest access to our Sanctuary, Music Center, Trotter Chapel, and Linder Hall, we recommend parking in P5, which is accessible when you enter the west side of our parking lot and go up the hill.

Gluten-Free Communion Wafers

Gluten-Free wafers are available for communion, which is usually served on the first Sunday of each month. When your pew is released for communion, please indicate to the usher if you would like a gluten-free wafer.

Transcription for sanctuary worship services

Transcription is available through Epiphan LiveScrypt in our Sanctuary. Please see card in pew pockets for instructions on how to connect to the transcription service.

Introduce Yourself

We'd love to meet you! Drop us a note or give us a call.

Email: info@fumcsd.org

Call: 619-297-4366

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:30 AM to 4 PM

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