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By submitting this form, you’re expressing permission for First UMC of San Diego to use your words, artwork, name, and likeness in church services, media, and other internal and external communications.
1| Your Story in Pictures
What image do you associate with the word advocate? Submit a sketch or photo.
Additional image of inspiration
2| Your Story in Music
Is there a song that you associate with the concept of advocate? Include the title (or titles) below.
3| Your Story in Entertainment
Is there a book you’ve read or a TV show or movie that you’ve watched that reminds you of how an advocate has affected your life? Describe how they relate and if you see a direct connection to this week’s scripture.
4| Your Story in Words
Who is someone who has been an advocate for you? Describe an encounter you had with them and how it impacted your faith life. Do you recall a time when you advocated for another person? Describe the encounter and how it made you feel.
5| Your Story in Prayer
Write a T.A.C.O.S. prayer for guided reflection on the Spirit’s movement through advocates.
Additional Comments
Please let us know if you have additional comments or questions!