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By submitting this form, you’re expressing permission for First UMC of San Diego to use your words, artwork, name, and likeness in church services, media, and other internal and external communications.
1| Your Story in Pictures
What is it that you see, smell, hear, and/or feel when you read this story? Submit a sketch or photo.
Additional image of inspiration
2| Your Story in Music
Is there a song that you associate with the magic moments that can happen through cooperation? Include the title (or titles) below.
3| Your Story in Entertainment
Is there a book you’ve read or a TV show or movie that you’ve watched that reminds you of how cooperation has affected your life? Describe how they relate and if you see a direct connection to this week’s scripture.
4| Your Story in Words
When is a time that something seemingly impossible happened thanks to the cooperation of others? Describe what happened and how it made you feel. How about a time that you helped make something seemingly impossible happen for another person? How did it al
5| Your Story in Prayer
Write a Haiku for guided reflection on the Spirit’s movement through cooperation.
Additional Comments
Please let us know if you have additional comments or questions!