Demmie Divine
Director Member Care Ministries
The United Methodist Church recognizes baptism as a holy sacrament. Through baptism, we acknowledge God’s unconditional love for us and accept our true identity as God’s beloved, recognizing God’s grace already present in us. This marks the beginning of our journey as disciples of Jesus.
At First UMC San Diego, we practice baptism to acknowledge the forgiving and transforming grace of God. Water, the element used in baptism, symbolizes that we are cleansed and forgiven. This water also signifies how God nourishes us throughout our lives.
In the biblical accounts of Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit came upon Him. So, we also celebrate the gracious guidance of God in the Spirit’s presence in our lives.
Churches perform baptisms in a variety of ways: immersion, pouring, or sprinkling of water. As United Methodists, we believe that the form of baptism doesn’t matter as long as you are baptized with water in the name of the Triune God by the ordained clergy.
At First Church, we offer the choice of sprinkling or pouring.
God’s grace is freely given. It’s not dependent upon our merit! So, we believe it’s available for people of all ages including infants, small children, and those who may be unconscious or otherwise unable to answer for themselves – all of whom can receive baptism at First Church San Diego.
For United Methodists, baptism is the sacrament of initiation that joins us with the church and Christians everywhere.
In baptism, we mark the individual’s initial entrance into the community of the church. They’re officially a part of the baptized members, and they now share in the congregational responsibilities to care for and nurture others.