Lent, Holy Week & Easter 2025 at First Church San Diego
02.22.25 | Articles, News
Celebrate Lent, Holy Week, and Easter at First Church San Diego in Mission Valley
The 40 days prior to Easter Sunday is known as Lent – a time of self-reflection that traditional has required us to abstain from certain activities while taking on others. But this season of Lent, First United Methodist Church of San Diego is inviting you to use the time to do something a little different by considering your story of faith, a story that you write every moment of every day. Is it the story you want to write?
Join us in this journey of exploration throughout March and April.
Experience Special Ash Wednesday & Easter Worship
Join us for worship throughout the season. In our traditional 9 AM worship service and special seasonal services, we offer you some of the favorite stories of Jesus found in the Bible through our Stories That Save Us sermon series. We’ll lean into the idea that what Jesus did while he walked on the earth can save us, even now, and we seek to find ourselves in these stories.
Ash Wednesday
Wed. Mar. 5 | 12:15 PM | Sanctuary & Online
Prepare your heart and mind for Lent with the imposition of ashes.
Maundy Thursday
Thur. Apr. 17 | 7:30 PM | Sanctuary & Online
Honor the story of Jesus’ devotion with a reflective communion service.
Good Friday
Fri. Apr. 18 | 7:30 PM | Sanctuary & Online
Experience the story of Jesus’ death through a somber service of Tenebrae (darkness).
Easter Sunday
Sun. Apr. 20 | 9 & 11 AM | Sanctuary & Online
Celebrate the Story of Hope with a progressive message and moving music. Worship is available in person in our Mission Valley sanctuary and online through our YouTube livestream. We're offering two services this year: 9 AM & 11 AM.
Spiritual Growth
Claim your spiritual life – where you’ve been, where you are, and where you hope to grow – so that your story might be one of undeniable change for the better, for you, your family and friends, for the benefit of your community, and for the hope of the world.
Workbook: Finding Your Stories of Faith
Print & Digital Copies Available
We offer a book full of prompts for you to consider the story of faith that is yours. Join us in person for Ash Wednesday for a print version or download a digital copy to follow during Lent.
Book Study: Wholehearted Faith
Wholehearted Faith by Rachel Held Evans
Join the pastors in reading stories of a woman as she wrestles with faith. Everyone will read individually and then join in conversation through an in-person or online gathering.
Church Gathering: Lunch & Discussion
Sun. Apr. 13 | 12:15 PM | Linder Hall
Gather with your church family to reflect on Finding Your Stories of Faith (FUMCSD guided journal) and Wholehearted Faith (by Rachel Held Evans).
More About FUMCSD
Want to learn more about our church? We invite you to visit our I’m New and About Us pages to learn more about our ministries, programming, and what we believe.