Rev. Dr. Hannah Ka
Pastor of Discipleship
We believe the life of faith is richer when it’s shared with friends! That’s why we offer a variety of classes and small groups that promote spiritual growth and community building.
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19–20, NKJV).
Days, times, and locations vary
With attendees throughout San Diego County, we gather in small groups to get to know our neighbors. Let us know if you’d like to get connected with a group that’s close to home!
2nd Sunday | 10:10-10:30 AM | The Cove
Connect with other parents to grow deeper in your faith journey together. Learn how to navigate your kids’ faith questions and get to know other parents.
4th Sunday | 12-1:30 PM | Location Varies
Get to know the other 20 – 40 somethings of First Church! We gather after worship at a local eatery. Sign up to get updates and find out where we’ll be this month.
Days, times, and locations vary
Join the First Church chapter of UWF (formerly United Methodist Women). We have three Circles that meet.
Weekly, September – May
In-Person Convergence
Our version of a Pastor’s Bible Study! Gather with others to discuss the themes covered through our Tapestry service and Perspectives podcast to help shape the next stages in your spiritual journey.
Sundays | 11 AM | Online
Join Heart of Christianity
This group studies different books throughout the year. Members take turns leading the weekly discussion. We study religious history and contemporary issues, as written by biblical scholars and theologians.
First Tuesday of the Month | 5 PM | Online
Join Book Study
Join us as we explore the progressive book, Adventures in Missing the Point: How the Culture Controlled Church Neutered the Gospel.
First Wednesday of the Month | 5:30 PM | Online
Join The River
Join us for a book study and fellowship each month. We select a book to study together. This group is exclusively for our immediate LGBTQIA friends. Allies will have other opportunities to join us for events and book study.
First Friday of the Month | 8 AM | Online
Join Koinonia
Members meet monthly on Zoom to listen to an inspiring message from an invited speaker.
Grow deeper with your faith with these groups and events.
Wed | 9:30 - 10:15 AM | Online
Pray for the life of our church and those in our congregation in need of prayer. All are welcome to attend!
Mon | 6 PM | Online
Join us weekly! We start by listening to a meditation that is followed by 20 minutes of silence. We continue with a scripture or short poem and close the session with music.
1st Sat & 3rd Thurs | 9 AM - 12 PM | Linder 4
Prayers and Squares promotes prayer through the use of quilts. Individuals can sponsor a quilt for someone with a special prayer need.
One-to-one lay caring ministry providing high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.
Experience walking prayer and Christian meditation. We have an indoor cloth labyrinth (for special events) and an outside labyrinth (southwest corner of the Music Center building).
Grow even deeper in your faith by volunteering in the church, your neighborhood, and beyond