Rev. Brittany Juliette Hanlin
Pastor of Connection and Care
First Church of San Diego is here to help kids, teens, and parents experience the love of Christ and explore the Bible in a safe and fun environment. We invite your family to join us as you grow in your Christian faith!
Bring your kids for a vibrant Sunday morning at First Church San Diego!
Sundays, 8:40 AM - 12 PM
Multipurpose Room in the Children’s Growing Center
Our caring teams helps our youngest children socialize in a safe and loving environment, giving parents the opportunity to enjoy worship services.
Contact Cathy Spies for more details.
Sundays, 9 AM - 10 AM
Start in Sanctuary, pick up from The Cove
Please sign your kids in in the Lower Sanctuary before the start of service. 1st Sunday of the month – kids stay in worship and participate in Communion with their families.
Contact Rev. Brittany for more details.
Free music programs for grades K-12. No prior experience necessary. We meet on Sundays after 9 AM worship. Our programs include:
Assist in sanctuary worship service! Here’s what you do as an acolyte:
Contact Demmie Divine for more details.
Looking for a safe and fun school for your young children? We invite you to explore CGC, designed for kids ages 0 – 4!
2nd Sundays | 10:10 – 10:30 AM | The Cove
Contact Rev. Hannah with questions.
Connect with other parents! We meet on the 2nd Sunday of each move to discuss Christianity and faith.