Memorials & Funeral Services

Scripture, Music, and Message to Mourn With Joy 

The pastors and staff of First Church count it as a privilege to stand with families after the death of a loved one. Memorial and funeral services are services of worship, remembrance, and celebration. It is our prayer that through the service for your loved one, you and your family may mourn with joy and hope.

Our pastors and musicians can suggest many appropriate Scriptures, hymns, and songs to assist you in planning the service.

You and your family don't have to be members of this or any church to arrange a memorial service at First Church. To learn more and to schedule a memorial service at First Church, contact the church office at 619-297-4366.

We provide:

  • Use of Sanctuary or Trotter Chapel
  • Services of pastor, organist, memorial service coordinator, and custodians
  • Printed service bulletins and guest book

Additional Services:

  • Soloist
  • Livestreaming
  • Reception arrangements on site
Memorial Service Package Details

Here are the details of our Memorial Service Package.

Our Memorial Service package includes:

  • 3-hour use of the Sanctuary or Trotter Chapel, including set-up, service, clean up
  • Funeral/memorial coordinator
  • Pastor as officiant – one of the pastors currently serving FUMCSD; any exception requires conversation with a pastor on staff
  • Organist – resident organist currently serving on the FUMCSD; fees may increase based on the specially requested number of pieces and extra rehearsal time
  • Audio/Video Technician – basic sound set up and monitoring, and when applicable, ensuring compatibility and functionality of a video/slideshow provided by the family
  • Program design and printing

Memorial Service Fees

  • FUMCSD members: $875 in Sanctuary or Trotter Chapel
  • Non-Members: $1,375 in Sanctuary or $1,075 in Trotter Chapel

Check should be payable to FUMCSD, and payment in full should be made no later than the date of the service.

Ceremony Add Ons

  • FUMCSD Vocalist/Vocal Ensemble: $150 per vocalist and $250 for choral director (if needed); choir can offer a musical selection upon request. Fees may increase based on the number of pieces requested and extra rehearsal time.
  • Livestreaming: $250
  • Additional Time: $250/ hour for staff and space beyond 3 hours

Memorial Reception Details & Fees

Use of Linder Hall / Linder Patio / Sanctuary Courtyard for up to 3 hours, including set up. Refreshments must be catered or supplied by the family or friends.

Flowers can be delivered to the church office a day prior to the ceremony from 8:30 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday.

  • FUMCSD members: no fee
  • Non-Members: $500

Fee for set-up and custodial service: based on the number of persons anticipated

  • $50 (up to 50 persons)
  • $100 (51-100 persons)
  • $150 (101-150 persons)
  • $150 plus $50 for each additional 50 persons (over 151 persons)

The First Church San Diego Memorial Garden

A portion of our church grounds serves as a memorial site with a columbarium, a memorial wall, and a place for prayer and meditation.

Memorial Garden Hours
Monday to Friday: 8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday: 8 AM - 3:30 PM
Sunday: 8 AM - 4 PM

Learn More