
Are you facing tough choices in life? Join us for this season of Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast as we dive into the Journey of the Hard Stuff. The women clergy of First Church in San Diego unpack the story of Moses from Exodus and tie it back to the challenges faced through history and modern life. In this episode, join Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany as they examine Exodus Chapter 5, looking at justice, injustice, oppressed groups, and how we react to it all. Calling upon the story of Moses, and the work of Dr. Vernon Johns, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Jemar Tisby, Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany discuss types of justice (social vs. religious) and where it fits within the Christian faith and the Gospel. What does the Bible call us to do when we witness and experience injustice? Listen to find out. Want to join the discussion? We invite you to our weekly discussion group, Convergence. Taking place on our church campus in the Mission Valley neighborhood of San Diego or through Zoom. Get additional details online: • In Person: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence • Zoom: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence-online For this episode, we’ll be discussing the following questions: 1. What made you realize that injustice existed in the world? 2. What injustice burns you up and how have you responded to it? 3. What does it mean to live justly?

A Nascent Hope is Catching

Are you facing tough choices in life? Join us for this season of Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast as we dive into the Journey of the Hard Stuff. The women clergy of First Church in San Diego unpack the story of Moses from Exodus and tie it back to the challenges faced through history and modern life. In this episode, join Rev. Trudy and Rev. Hannah as they examine Exodus Chapter 3: 1-11, examining how Moses tried to avoid the call of God. After all, he was a runaway fugitive – an asylum seeker – who was he to lead God’s people? And yet, despite his dark past, ultimately Moses rises to the challenge. It’s a story of international relations, politics, and spirituality. And, along with so many other stories throughout the Bible, it serves as a reminder of how God’s involvement begins with everyday moments that serve as a catalyst for something much larger than we could ever imagine. We might not feel qualified in the moment but if we listen and answer the call, we don’t know who else may be reached or how. Want to join the discussion? We invite you to our weekly discussion group, Convergence. Taking place on our church campus in the Mission Valley neighborhood of San Diego or through Zoom. Get additional details online: • In Person: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence • Zoom: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence-online For this episode, we’ll be discussing the following questions: 1. Have you ever felt God nudging you to do something? 2. What are your excuses for not answering a call from God? 3. How have you answered a call from God? 4. What effect has answering a call from God had on your life and the lives of others?

Are you facing tough choices in life? Join us for this season of Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast as we dive into the Journey of the Hard Stuff. The women clergy of First Church in San Diego unpack the story of Moses from Exodus and tie it back to the challenges faced through history and modern life. In this episode, join Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany as they examine Exodus Chapter 2: 11-15, exposing the skeletons that Moses had in his closet — and yet, God still chose him to do extraordinary things. This story, and others throughout the Bible, reveal that God doesn’t necessarily care about our past. But as humans, we’re quick to point out other peoples’ weaknesses and consider them lesser than. Hear what Rev. Trudy and Rev. Brittany have to say about God’s grace, our forgiveness of others, and more. Want to join the discussion? We invite you to our weekly discussion group, Convergence. Taking place on our church campus in the Mission Valley neighborhood of San Diego or through Zoom. Get additional details online: • In Person: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence • Zoom: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence-online For this episode, we’ll be discussing the following questions: 1. Do we believe, and do we act like, God can save everybody? 2. What is it that would put someone outside of God’s reach? 3. Can we be redeemed without repentance (can we be forgiven without acknowledging that we need forgiveness)?

Are you facing tough choices in life? Join us for this season of Perspectives FUMCSD Pastors Podcast as we dive into the Journey of the Hard Things. The women clergy of First Church in San Diego unpack the story of Moses from Exodus and tie it back to the challenges faced through history and modern life. In this episode, join Rev. Hannah and Rev. Brittany as they examine Exodus chapters 1 & 2, featuring some truly witty and wise women who defied oppressive rules to save children from death. From Exodus to the modern day, women in various positions have had to employ wit, wisdom, and courage and commit acts of desperation to save their children from enslavement and danger. Which makes one start to think of God in a new light – including that of God the Mother. Hear what Rev. Hannah and Rev. Brittany have to say about this and more. After listening, we recommend these additional theological and social resources: • Christian Old Testament: Exodus, chapters 1-2 • Grace and Responsibility by John Cobb Jr. • Beloved by Toni Morrison • The Shack by William P. Young Want to join the discussion? We invite you to our weekly discussion group, Convergence. Taking place on our church campus in the Mission Valley neighborhood of San Diego or through Zoom. Get additional details online: • In Person: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence • Zoom: https://www.fumcsd.org/convergence-online For this episode, we’ll be discussing the following questions: 1. Who are some of the women who made small instances of resistance to make a great impact? 2. How have women’s roles changed from then to now? 3. How would you describe God as Mother in your own life?

Christmas Eve 2023

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