

This is week 10 of The Bible with and without Jesus. Today we are looking the passage in Matthew 12:38-40 in which Jesus says to the people who want a sign that he is the Messiah that they will receive the sign of the prophet Jonah. Jonah, as in the man who was swallowed by the whale? What does Jonah have to do with Jesus? Thanks for joining us!

God's Love in Action

Like Father, Like Son

Latin-American Saints

This is Pastor’s Bible Study: The Bible with and without Jesus. Rev. Trudy Robinson, Lead Pastor of First United Methodist Church of San Diego is your host. On week 9, we are looking at some specific passages in the book of Isaiah that collectively give us the idea of the Suffering Servant, a name that has been used to refer to Jesus in Christian theology. These passages aren’t in the Jewish liturgy but they are very important in the development of Christianity. What did they mean when they are written? What do they mean today?

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