
Ancestors and Arbitration

In this series, Rev. Trudy Robinson takes a look at the ways in which God changes in relation to humanity. Today we look at the covenant God made with Abraham and the way in which they begin to get to know one another in this covenant. We look at Abraham's gentle inquiry of God. The questions he asks end up shifting God’s thoughts. This changing dynamic is at the heart of Process theology, which we’ll continue our discovery of the finer points of this thought. We're glad you’re listening!

Finding A Foothold

Rainbows & Restraint

Welcome to Pastor’s Bible Study: The Growth of God Episode #1. I'm Rev. Trudy Robinson the Lead Pastor of the First UMC of San Diego and your host. Today we’re looking at God’s relationship with humanity as expressed by the biblical covenants, the first being the covenant with Noah after the flood. We consider God’s response to the flood, the covenant that was made as a result…which leads us to ask, “Did God just change God’s mind?” Yep. So we're also having an introduction to Process Theology. Good stuff. I’m glad you’re listening!

"Do Good": Racial Justice

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