
This week's study looks at John the Baptist: how he is perceived, the lectionary readings that shape how we hear John's story, and the nuances of what it means to prepare the Way of the Lord. The primary text is Mark 1:1-8, but we'll take a peek at John 1: 6-8, 19-28, 3 Peter 3: 14, Isaiah 40:1-11 and Psalm 85:8-13.

The Fullness of Time

Did We Know?

The traditional reading for the first Sunday of Advent is the language of the second coming in Mark 13. This podcast takes a look at the second coming of Jesus, the origins of this concept, the language of the hope, the way it has been understood over time, the way Methodists approach the idea, and why it is connected to the beginning of the Advent.

WE- We Will Hope

We Will Hope

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