About First Church of San Diego

We proclaim the love of Christ to everyone, regardless of color, gender, race, class, age, sexual orientation or gender identity. Join with us in full membership and communion.

An Inclusive CHristian Community of Believers

First United Methodist Church of San Diego (FUMCSD) is a LGBTQIA+ affirming church (a Reconciling Congregation) that believes in radical love and divine justice for all of God’s people – all ages, races, orientations, genders, abilities, or religious beliefs.

We’re committed to helping people realize their full humanity and live out their faith in Jesus Christ.

What We Believe At FUMCSD

We promise to look for Christ in all people, strive for justice for the hurting, peace among differences, and respect and dignity for all. As active members of the church community, each person makes our congregation a better place.


First Church embraces the stated mission of the United Methodist Church: “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” We believe we can make a difference!


First Church is a movement of Spirit-led people who are growing in the grace of God and reaching out with the love of Jesus Christ – and we’re constantly seeking understanding in how to do this. For a glimpse at our current understanding, keep scrolling!

Statement of Inclusivity

First Church welcomes all people who seek the love of God without regard to ability, age, color, economic circumstance, ethnic background, family configuration, gender, nationality, or sexual orientation. We promise to search for the presence of Christ in all persons, to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being.

What United Methodists Believe

First Church Welcomes You If ...

What do we mean when we say our church is open for all?

We welcome you if ...

You are single, married, divorced, gay, transgender, filthy rich, dirt poor, o no habla inglés,
You are a crying newborn, skinny as a rail or could afford to lose a few pounds,
You can sing like Aretha Franklin or cannot carry a tune in a bucket,
You’re “just browsing”, just woke up, or you just got out of jail,
You’ve been a Methodist your whole life or haven’t been in church except for your little niece’s baptism years ago,
You’ve got an AARP card but have yet to grow up, or you’re a teenager growing up, too fast.
We welcome soccer moms, NASCAR dads, tree huggers, latte-sippers, vegans, junk-food eaters.
We welcome those who are in recovery or struggling with addiction.
We welcome you if you’re having problems or if you’re down in the dumps or if you don’t like “organized religion.”
This church is for you, we’ve all been there.
If you blew all your money in Vegas, you’re welcome here.
We offer a special welcome to those who think the earth is flat, those who work too hard, those who don’t work, can’t spell or found us because Grandma wants you to go to church.
We welcome all those who are inked, pierced or both.
We welcome you if your ancestors arrived in chains, below the decks, captained those ships, or have been on this land since the beginning of time.
We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now (all of us could use a prayer right now).
We’d also like to welcome you if you had religion shoved down your throat, or you got lost on YouTube somehow and ended up here by mistake.
We welcome tourists, seekers, doubters, bleeding hearts…and you!

What We Do At FUMCSD

Here’s a quick look at our ministries and programming. It’s all geared toward making a better world through becoming better human beings.

Community Partnership & Engagement

A Better World Starts With a Stronger Community

We've always sough to respond to the needs of the community and the call of God to love others. Here are some of the ways we do that.

happy kids

Dream School of the Arts

Our Dream School of the Arts community center offers a welcoming and safe space for young people to gather, play, sing, act, draw, and feel support, encouragement, and a sense of worth and belonging.

Learn About Dream School

Racial Justice Ministry

Christianity's participation in racism is a poor example of loving neighbors. We seek repentance and commit to a new way of being through a Racial Justice Endowment that provides funds to local organizations.

Learn About Racial Justice

Affordable Housing

We’ve been on a journey of discovery of how we can best use the properties that are under our care.

This has led to us exploring the dream of providing affordable housing to our neighbors. It’s a multi-year process that requires extensive learning and visioning, so stay tuned for details!

Spiritual Growth & Digital Evangelism

Better Human Beings Start with Being Humble and Honest

We're introducing new content and formats to make it easier for spiritual seekers to connect with God – whether that's in person or in the digital space.

Tapestry Worship

Listen to God through this reflective and contemplative, family-friendly service.

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Pastors Podcast

Learn new ideas about our ancient Biblical text and progressive theology through our podcast.

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Discussion Groups

Work out your thoughts in the company of others for how to be a Christian today.

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Digital Workshops

Gain the skills you need to become an effective evangelist in today's digital world.

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Relationship Building

A Beloved Community Includes Everyone

We continue to find new ways of being in Christian community, beyond the walls of the physical church.

two parents and two kids

Kids, Teens & Families

Opportunities for kids, middle schoolers, high schoolers, and parents to connect and grow as a community.

Get More Details

neighborhood group meeting at a restaurant

Neighborhood Small Groups

Make connections, meet neighbors, and find a place to belong. Based on locations, interests, and age.

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