
Keep up with the latest news at First Church San Diego


Filtered by: Church

New Communications Director

    11.06.23 | News

    Our new Communications Director, Meghan Claussen, is excited to apply her love of communications to propel First Church’s mission and share God’s love with our community.  Meghan's first day at the office is November 13. Welcome her!

    Looking for signs of a vibrant church

      10.23.23 | Articles | News

      ...It’s the clothes on the railing, the small acts of kindness, the much larger donations of time and love given by our church community, the random questions asked because you care. We show our devotion to Christ’s mission when we love one...

      Evensong & All Saints Remembrance Service

        10.09.23 | News

        Sunday, November 5 | 4 PM | First UMC Sanctuary, 2111 Camino del Rio S. San Diego, CA 92108 The music that we will present at this Evensong service will exemplify the feeling of hope for those who have passed on.This service is sung by First...

        Music Series 2023-24 Concerts

          08.28.23 | Articles | News

          New Concert Times and Days! Saturdays at 4 PM. We instituted this change for the convenience of our audiences and to avoid conflict with the many other musical events that take place in the San Diego community.

          "Unity in Love" NEW Lectures 2024

            08.28.23 | Articles | News

            Engage with us again in asking deep questions.  How do we build relationships with those who are different from us?  How can we understand “the other?”  Join us as we explore these and many similar questions through expert lectures and a panel...

            Stay Cool & Warm at First Church

              07.19.23 | News

              Heating and Air conditioning installation updateNovember 16, 2023 We know with the changing of the season from summer to fall and soon to winter many of you are wondering what’s up with our heating and air conditioning system installation?...

              2023 Racial Justice Grant

                05.25.23 | Articles | Racial Justice Grantees

                First Church Seeking Racial Justice Grant Applicants The Racial Justice Grants Committee has released the 2023 Grant Application and this year’s grant focus areas. Thanks to some very generous donations, we will now be giving a total of...

                All-Church Gathering: SHARE

                  05.15.23 | News

                  Come and celebrate with us. The Spirit is moving us to welcome a new family and see new possibilities. Please bring a dish to share as we welcome our new church family from Ukraine, Andrii and Masha and their two young children at ages 3 and 9...
