Music Series 2023-24 Concerts
08.28.23 | Articles, News
New Concert Times and Days!
This promises to be a season of six concerts you will not want to miss! Please note that all performances will take place on a new day and at a new time, Saturdays at 4 PM We instituted this change for the convenience of our audiences and to avoid conflict with the many other musical events that take place in the San Diego community.
Our music series begins on November 4 at 4 PM, featuring the highly regarded San Diego Children’s Choir, directed by Ruthie Millgard, and joined by several of First Church’s youth and children’s ensembles. Bring children and grandchildren to be inspired by these young musicians.
This year’s Advent Choral Concert on December 9, performed by the First Church Adult Choirs—the Masterwork Chorale and the Chancel Choir—will feature a lyrical Christmas Oratorio by French composer Camille Saint-Saëns, as well as seasonal music by Amy Beach, Cecilia McDowell and John Rutter.
Celebrating Lunar New Year on February 10, organist Jaebon Hwang will perform works by Asian composers and music inspired by Asian folk tunes. In March, 36 singers who comprise the elite vocal group ICantori from Walla Walla, Washington will perform in the sanctuary as part of their West Coast tour.
On May 4, you won’t want to miss our Spring Choral Concert, performed by the adult choirs with symphony orchestra, featuring G.F. Handel’s beloved Messiah, Parts II & III (Passion & Resurrection.) We will bring you beauty and inspiration in June with First Church’s section leaders, Brian Lustig and Jaebon Hwang presenting a recital entitled “Life and Water”. And finally a "Summer Bonus Concert" in August featuring Andrew Flory, who will present a solo classical guitar and theorbo concert entitled "Fourteen and Six" featuring music from the 16th through the 21st centuries.
We are so fortunate to have your generous contributions dedicated to the Cultural Events Committee Music Series. While we always have enthusiastic audiences for these concerts, the free-will offerings, ticket sales and donations at the door simply do not cover the actual expenses of underwriting these excellent performances. Since we are dedicated to producing only high-quality and inspirational events, your donations truly make that possible.
Please take a moment now to consider your donation and Become a Music Series 2023-24 Patron If you are already one of our patrons, you might consider moving up to the next level of giving. In addition to the tax advantage, your name will be printed on the back of every program for the entire 2023-24 concert year. You may also donate online (see brochure).
Thank you for your continued support; we look forward to seeing you at the Music Series concerts this season and for many years to come!
Betsy Mueller Chair, Cultural Events Committee
2023-24 Concert Season
SATURday, NOVEMBER 4, 2023
4 PM | Sanctuary & LIVE-STREAMED | Offering
First Church Children’s and Youth Choirs & Youth Chime Ensemble
Ruthie Millgard Artistic Director
Advent Choral Concert
SATURday, December 9, 2023
4 PM | Sanctuary | offering
Camille Saint-Saëns Christmas Oratorio Seasonal works by Amy Beach, Cecilia McDowell and John Rutter Combined Adult Choirs Jaebon Hwang, organ / Brian Lustig, conductor
sATURday, FEBRuary 10, 2024
4 PM | SANCTUARY | Offering | reception in linder lounge
Jaebon Hwang, Organ. The program includes music by Asian composers and music influenced by Asian folk music
ICANTORI of Walla Walla University
SATURday, March 23, 2024
4 PM | Sanctuary | Offering
Kraig Scott, Conductor, leads a 36-voice choral ensemble from Walla Walla University. This elite group of singers from Washington State continues a tradition of touring throughout the U.S. and Canada which began in 1929.
Spring Choral Concert
George Frideric Handel Messiah Parts II & III (Passion & Resurrection)
SATURday, MAY 4, 2024 | Sanctuary | offering
Combined Adult Choirs / Symphony Orchestra Brian Lustig, Conductor
SATURday, June 1, 2024
4 PM | TROTTER CHAPEL | offering
Lauren Zinke, soprano Patricia McAfee, mezzo-soprano Timmy Simpson & Brian Lustig, tenors Sean Smith, baritone Jaebon Hwang, piano
summer bonus concert
Saturday, August 10, 2024
4 PM | Trotter Chapel | Offering
Andrew Flory, will present a solo classical guitar and theorbo concert entitled "Fourteen and Six" (referring to the number of strings on each instrument), featuring music from the 16th through the 21st centuries.
Photo credits: Header photo: ©iStock. Camille Saint-Saëns & George Frideric Handel photos: creativecommons.org/publicdomain. Lunar New Year image: www.publicdomainpictures.net. Water Drop image: Creative Commons Zero - CC0.
We are so fortunate to receive your generous contributions dedicated to the Cultural Events Committee Music Series. While we always have enthusiastic audiences for these concerts, the free-will offerings, ticket sales and donations at the door simply do not cover the actual expenses of underwriting these excellent performances. Since we are dedicated to producing only high-quality and inspirational events, your donations truly make that possible.
Thank you for your continued support; we look forward to seeing you at the Music Series concerts this season and for many years to come!
Cultural Events Committee
Betsy Mueller, chair, Janine Burch, Demmie Divine,
Katie Englund, Nick Hubsmith, Jaebon Hwang,
Brian Lustig, Suzanne Stofer, Nathan Stowe,
Ralph Thomas, Spencer Velky, Steve Zawadzki.
donate here to Become a patron of the 2023-24 Music Series...
Betsy Mueller Chair, Cultural Events Committee
First United Methodist Church of San Diego